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News The 2015 Honda Civic Made Me Miss My 2000 Honda Civic
Honda’s made quite a few of my favorite cars. So I was stoked to see how far they’d come since the last Civic I’d driven; a ‘99 Si that of course ended up in a river at the hands of high school car enthusiasts. The 2015 Honda Civic SE is more advanced, but I don’t know about “better.” Read more … Read News

Engine Oil Base Stock pictures

News How To Hit The Apex Without Getting Clubbed By A Seal
Man, I miss my RX8. If you’re a gearhead / amateur grease monkey with an engine hoist, there’s no better deal out there right now in the sports car world than a first generation (SE3P) 2004-2008 Mazda RX-8 . Just go into it with the right mindset and expect to spend $2k on the thing every 10 years. One thing I forgot to mention earlier is that these things will flood if you shut them off after a … Read News

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